Bee's Knees Lacquer; IT-versary Part 3

We're at the final part of swatches for the Bee's Knees Lacquer anniversary collection! These are all magnetic, and multichrome, and have special ingredients! And I feel like I have no end to the pictures so I'll keep the chatter brief and lay them all out!
*Polishes provided as press samples for review*
Pop Pop-a purple based gold to orange magnetic multichrome with OG UP (original unicorn pee) hidden underneath.

First, I applied 2 coats and top coat, no magnet - I did this for all in this set, just to show both versions and because some people aren't fans of magnetics or don't want to mess with getting the effect. The polishes are pretty regardless of how you end up wearing them!

This was very generous on the gold/orange shimmer (can you say f-a-l-l?? <3) but during application there was this teasing purple jelly-looking base.

I then applied a third coat and magnet for effect - this is an easy two coater, so if magnetic is your end goal, magnetize on the second coat

I <3 Derry - a turquoise based pink to gold magnetic multichrome with OG UP hidden underneath

2 coats and top coat for the initial pictures - no magnetic effect

1 more coat was added and a magnet applied

S. S. Georgie-a blue based peach to lime green magnetic multichrome with the gold to green UP sibling pigment underneath

2 coats + top coat for the initial swatches - this is one shifty beauty!

1 more coat + magnet. This is where the magic happened for me! The magnetic line was so intense and colorful and then washed out with top coat so it didn't keep the crisp-ness, but the effect is still there! The blue base showed up and you can see the gold UP there in the top left corners of the nails. It totally looked like a night sky with the northern lights dancing! This instantly shot to complete for the #1 favorite spot from the collection ;)

I won't even pretend to be sorry with the amount of pictures of this...nor the fact there's even more pics because I needed to art this! I may not be a fan of horror films, but I do know S.S Georgie is a paper boat!

I used a pale blue stamping polish from Mundo de Unas an a Bundle Monster plate BM-725 for the waves, and hand drew the boat using sharpie and white polish.

IT-a black based red magnetic polish with green to blue UP sibling pigment underneath

Initial swatches show 2 coats without magnet effect - I really loved this one and it's my #1 pick! S.S Georgie came to share the #1 spot but this came first. And there's one side that I couldn't get on camera - the "black based red" is like a black cherry! Super pretty, but most of the times my eyes read the polish as a brown with green shimmer, made me think of expensive wood!

1 more coat was added with magnet - the green really came out!

2 coats + top coat for the initial swatches - this is one shifty beauty!

1 more coat + magnet. This is where the magic happened for me! The magnetic line was so intense and colorful and then washed out with top coat so it didn't keep the crisp-ness, but the effect is still there! The blue base showed up and you can see the gold UP there in the top left corners of the nails. It totally looked like a night sky with the northern lights dancing! This instantly shot to complete for the #1 favorite spot from the collection ;)

I won't even pretend to be sorry with the amount of pictures of this...nor the fact there's even more pics because I needed to art this! I may not be a fan of horror films, but I do know S.S Georgie is a paper boat!

I used a pale blue stamping polish from Mundo de Unas an a Bundle Monster plate BM-725 for the waves, and hand drew the boat using sharpie and white polish.

Initial swatches show 2 coats without magnet effect - I really loved this one and it's my #1 pick! S.S Georgie came to share the #1 spot but this came first. And there's one side that I couldn't get on camera - the "black based red" is like a black cherry! Super pretty, but most of the times my eyes read the polish as a brown with green shimmer, made me think of expensive wood!

1 more coat was added with magnet - the green really came out!

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