
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Polish Pickup Pack - October 2019

Polish Pickup Pack - October 2019

Hello and welcome!! October's PPU is just a couple of sleeps away, so I wanted to show a few of the items that will be available!

*Polishes provided as press samples for review*

I'll start with Bee's Knees Lacquer - I bet Sarah was feeling super comfortable with this theme, as she does quite a few polishes inspired by local legends.

NameThe Bunnyman
Price: $13
Cap: none
Description: a smoky raisin with red to green shimmer and red to green iridescent flakesInspirationThe legend of Bunnyman bridge in Virginia, which says that 10 inmates escaped a local asylum after a bus crash. All but 2 of them were found and in the months after, hundreds of skinned rabbits were found in the area. It's said when the police found the body of one of the inmates, they knew he had been killed by the remaining inmate. They tracked him down where he was hit by a train on the tracks above what is now known as Bunnyman Bridge.
Bee's Knees Lacquer - The Bunnyman
I applied 3 thin coats + top coat for the swatches, as usual, great application from BKL
Bee's Knees Lacquer - The Bunnyman
Bee's Knees Lacquer - The Bunnyman
Bee's Knees Lacquer - The Bunnyman

Name: Last Bite
Price: $13
Cap: none
Description: a super shifty pink/purple base with a strong fuchsia/golden/green shifting shimmer
Inspiration: NOLA vampires
JReine - Last Bite
This is a jelly-like base and the color builds in intensity with each coat - I used 3 coats for the swatches. It's almost unreal how intense this got! I wore it for a day and had some staining on my latex base coat when I peeled this off, I'm not sure if it'll stain natural nails or gels, but it's best practice to put down a good base coat!
JReine - Last Bite
JReine - Last Bite
JReine - Last Bite
JReine - Last Bite
JReine's got something for IPU as well, it's anothier Pixie Magic kit!
Name: Lust 
Price: $15
Cap: none
Description: Lust has a beautiful violet/fuchsia/gold/green shift with a pop of color; kit comes with a 5ml bottle of Super Base, 0.30g of Pixie Magic powder, and a burnishing applicator
Inspiration: NOLA vampires
JReine - Pixie Magic Lust
I used a mustard creme base for the burnishing, and applied a couple of chevron vinyls to add a design and show color contrast. I'm still wow'ed by the fact that the powders don't need any gel or UV lights of water based top coats for application!
JReine - Pixie Magic Lust
JReine - Pixie Magic Lust

Literary Lacquer
Name: This Dish is Cheap Yet Tasty
Price: $13
Cap: none
Description: a rich magenta holo
Inspiration: Amy's inspiration is an urban legend about a woman that loved the Chinese characters on her menu so much that she knitted them onto a sweater (or got a tattoo, in the newer version of the legend) Much later the woman finds out that the sweater/tattoo reads "This Dish if Cheap Yet Tasty"
Literary Lacquer - This Dish is Cheap Yet Tasty
I applied 2 coats + top coat for the swatches, although a thicker one coat would also be fine. Amy said this is opaque enough to stamp with, and I wish I had tried it out!
Literary Lacquer - This Dish is Cheap Yet Tasty
Literary Lacquer - This Dish is Cheap Yet Tasty
Literary Lacquer - This Dish is Cheap Yet Tasty

Make your wishlists and get ready to shop! 

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