The Digit-al Dozen Presents: TV Shows - Grimm

Day 4 is here! I feel like I saved up two of my favorite designs for this Digit-al Dozen week for the end, so I hope you enjoy them!
My base kind of flopped, I wanted a mountain-esque look to stamp a forest of trees on. I went about this by using a "blank space" image from plate Creative Shop 71 and Bundle Monster's Straight Up Black and Bam! White. Then I took one of my spare scraper cards and cut the edges to make "mountain" shapes - the goal was to use that same blank space image and "cut" parts of it out, if that makes any sense...I mixed in some Mundo de Unas Light Grey to get some more color variation.

Basically, I was hoping to get an easier version of a scaled gradient. I feel like I ended up with a stormy sea, but in the end I wore this base to work for a day and it definitely grew on me, a kind of messy/artsy monochrome look. But then I came home and got out my stamping plate - Bundle Monster BM-XL194, it actually has another name "Mouth of the Wolf" from the Happily Never After collection. I was so thrilled when this set came out! Dark fairy tales! Between Grimm and Once Upon a Time, well, I instantly needed it lol

I added in a bit of red for the stamping, Esmaltes da Kelly Darth Vader..mhm, much pleased with the end result! Rushed over to show hubby and he said it reminds him of Ruby, from the anime he likes - RWBY. I might have to revisit this plate again to make a design based more on the anime in the future!

Grimm's pilot episode was about the big bad wolf/Little Red Riding Hood, and fun fact - Grimm was filmed in Portland and I happen to live here! It definitely felt close to home when we can recognize places around town, hubby ofc has the eyes of a hawk and constantly supplied comments like "oh I know that road, it's out by such-and-such place!" I even had some friends say they ran into the filming crew while out hiking and got to take pics with them!
Alright, enough rambling from me, take a look at the manis in the linkup and come back tomorrow for the finale!

We anticipate the movie previews while watching the nuisance commercials and then there they are. 123movies